Certified Septic Inspections in Teller County

Arrowhead Septic is a licensed OWTS Pumper and Inspector for property sales. Below you’ll find some information about inspections with Arrowhead Septic.

What to Expect

  1. We will send you a Pre-Inspection Form to be completed before the inspection.

  2. We will send you the results of the inspection via email.

Keep In Mind

  • Distances between where we can park the truck and where the tank is located. If the tank is further than 150 ft from the truck access, we have to bring extra hoses which have associated fees.

  • Septic Lids must be exposed. If the lids are buried, they will need to be dug up prior to inspection. We can dig up lids with additional fees per foot.

  • Our Technicians will need access to water within the home to complete the inspection.

  • To avoid additional fees or charges, be sure the access to the property is clear - especially in winter months.

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